Floating Steps : CP-FTS(C)


The Floating Steps are a good addition to any activity trail or as a standalone feature in a play park setting. Small timber planks are suspended between two large upright timber poles using metal chains. A high rope has been placed to help with balance.

The timbers used are quarter sawn, pressure treated and impregnated with wax, providing a more repellent surface so reducing water absorption and delaying future rotting of the timber. They are also fitted with Postsaver sleeves at the ground line section of all timber posts that are extended into the ground. This keeps the cause of ground rot out and the preservative in, ensuring that the new piece of equipment will last for many years.

On areas of grass we suggest placing grass safety mats at key points around the product to help prevent ground erosion.

Please contact the sales team on 01577 840570 or email sales@caledoniaplay.com for detailed costs.

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3 x pressure treated, quarter sawn, machine rounded, wax impregnated 14cm diameter timber poles

9 x timber planks

galvanised steel chains

steel cored multi-strand nylon ropes

stainless steel fixtures and fittings


length: can vary as required - from 2.0 to 3.0m

height: 2.2m