Boulders can be placed in interesting locations or formations to enhance play areas.
Our boulders sourced according to the texture, colour and size required. From small to large – all will enhance outdoor spaces.
Children can use them and interact with them by climbing, sitting, leaning or by jumping from one small boulder to another.
By playing on natural boulders children are able to connect with the texture of the stone and the way it feels to touch. They will also learn that natural boulders frequently change in appearance as the colours in the stone becomes more intense when wet. Some become more slippery when wet and some are naturally slip resistant – it depends on the type of rock. This is all part of the learning process as part of outdoor play.
Our boulders are selected with play in mind. But please note – these are natural products formed by glaciation and may not be as smooth as river or coastal boulders.
Please get in touch with our sales team for more information: or alternatively call 01577 840 570 to chat to somebody about this product.
sizes vary hugely depending on the boulders required for the project