Log Maze Climber 3 : CP-TMC3


The Log Maze Climber 3 offers a large amount of play value and challenge.

Log Maze Climber 3 is made up from a large amount of timber beams which are combined with hand rails and scramble nets. Consequently making it an excellent standalone feature play element for any outdoor play area.

This product has four vertical poles supporting the following:

4 x balance beam sections

4 x jungle pole ladders

2 x horizontal scramble nets

4 x traversing/parallel ropes

The vertical poles have bitumen Postsaver sleeves fitted to them which will prevent the timber rotting at the point where it enters the ground.

We recommend 42 x Grass Safety Mats for this product because they will prevent ground erosion and minimise the risk of injury should a child fall off the product.


stainless steel fixtures and fittings

pressure treated wax impregnated timber poles

Critical Fall Height 1.5m

Safety Area 8.8m x 6.8m

Age 8+


length: 5.80m

width: 3.83m

height: 2.85m