After much fundraising, a local primary school has officially opened the new outdoor trim trail with a joyous ribbon-cutting ceremony.
Linsey Affleck, from Dalgety Bay-based Ingenico, who supported the campaign, and representatives from the school fundraising group were there to raise a happy cheer as the children took their first steps onto the new addition to the school playground.
The trim trail is designed to challenge children from the youngest years right through to Primary 7 and to offer a mix of activities to develop their physical strength as the play.
Caledonia Play installed the following products:
CP-SS Stepping Log Columns
CP-SBB Static Balance Beam
CP-PW Parallel Wires
CP-WVR Weaving Ropes
CP-FTS Floating Steps
CP-TN Traversing Net
CP-HLS Hanging Log Steps Traverse
CP-RL Rolling Log with Hand Rope
CP-MBR Monkey Bar Rings 3.0m
CP-ZZ3 Zig Zag Balance Beam
Grass Safety Mats around the trim trail prevent ground erosion and minimize the risk of injury should a child fall.
Read the full story on the Dunfermline Press Website here.
All images reproduced with kind permission from the teachers and parents of Donibristle Primary School, Dalgety Bay, Fife.